Thursday, November 17, 2005

jamie is not feeling well la.......

haih...bad mood...not feeling well ar...

at bebe home chinese cannot type in mandarin lo...bebe sleeping on his sis's bed...i'm on9 on his sis's desk v using his sis's pc...hahaha...hohoho...kekeke...kakaka...OMG...siao liao...sick until siao liao...just ate a half bowl of chicken porridge...bebe da bao for is not bad...haih...if i'm ok...then can go out v bebe liao la...ARGHHrrrrr......fed up of my stomach... 

today is bebe birthday...but we cancel our usual plan liao...y?cos i'm not feeling well lo...vomit n diarrhea...i oso dunno how come it will happen on me n on my bebe first,we plan to go restaurant talipon to have a big big meal de...but now...ARGHHrrrr.........just too bad...

GOD...this is unfair...gastrict again...dunno y everyday oso gastrict...ate sumthing liao still very painful...i almost finish the whole piece of ACTAL(pils for gastrict) liao....y still like tat de...YeEEeeeeeee...............YeRRrrrrrrrrrr.......................

bebe sleep so tight...shud i wake him up ler ?but he suppose to go bank now wo...cos now oledi 2.30pm r going to close at 4.00pm...n tomoro is third week of this is not open wo...

hahaha.......hohoho......jackjack was took in bebe home...

haih...cant find chicken little soft edition...found everywhere liao oso cant buy it at last...

dunno wat to express summore...getting tired liao...i think i better take a short nap...

walaoeh...suddenly ler...bebe snooring so loud ler...scares me la...



  1. 我知道了,谢谢。都是taipan的鸡饭 害的,吃了就泻肚子又呕吐。现在肚子扁扁了。
