Wednesday, December 28, 2005

scared.....sad......moody....can sumbody help me?



last nite argue v bb, this is the first time v argue so geng, wat he scold at me really cruel...i cant believe this is the real him tat would scold me till cry...finally i cried...he just ask me to stop crying in front of him...y i cried again...i cant stop myself...i'm still crying while talking to him eventhough he ask me to stop tat otherwise he'll shut the call...i just take my pillow to cover my face so tat he cant hear me...i din say anything...finally he shut the call without any mention...finally...i cried under my blanket...closed my fon at all...sad sad sad...this is the only i can felt tat moment...cried till fall asleep...

wake up today then only on my fon send two sms...there is no sorry at all...but the 2nd sms really makes me worry till now...after read the sms, it's already 7 send the sms to me is about 5 am...i call him immediately...he dun wan to say anything oso even i ask him...he just tell me tat he wan to sleep...i know i shouldn't call him this morning...but i cant stand for it anymore...i'm scare now...but no 1 i can spread out to...wat can i do now...i dun wan just end up our relationship just bcos of the small thingie...

bb, please...dun treat me like last 9 how u treat me... i know u facing a huge problems...can u see i'm oso...tat's y i need u to be next to me...n i'm really willing to share all of ur problems...but can u dun spread ur bad temper on me...i'm totally heartbreak...till now...i dunno how long i can stand for it anymore...i try my best...i give all of my best to u know? y u change suddenly? u makes me scare...i felt unsecurity now...i'm scare now...can somebody help me...

i really hope some1 can spread out my feelings to u...i dun wan to tell u by myself anymore...u keep blaming on me...seems like all is my fault...eventhough it is my fault, but u cant just scold me...u say u love me tat's y u scold me...i really du understand...

if wat was happening last 9 is really my fault, i just apologize to u...i din meant it...u had misunderstand me...



B, sorry.......  




  1. u dun sad norhx... after this blog.. i feet, guy is the same, izit.. they juz noe ask gal stop crying if not hang off d phone without mention anything... >.<

    suddenly feel, v having d same problem norhx... i noe this problem sure can solve d.. take care ya..

    if u really need someone to talk, u can find me.. i m free.. ^.^

  2. thx...but my bb is scorpion de...i think u know well bout scorpion bah?anyway, thx...
    looks like we really facing the same problems lo...
    i'm oso free...
    do u have msn?pm me if got lo...

  3. wei..dun panic 1st, can u mention why ur bb scold u..what have u did last 9?
    Guy will feel very fan when girl girl cry and dun say anything...and then guy will reply back dun say anything and dun care liao...

  4. oh... is scorpion boy boy... actually i really need to noe wat u both argue at? then maybe i cant help u.. ^.^

    sorry.. i dun play msn o... if u dun mind, can v chat at my chatango?

  5. i dunno wat i did wrong last 9...i just spread out wat i feel last nite 2 him...i'm scared...worry...i dun wan to end up easily...

  6. ya...scorpion...
    yee...wat is chatango? i'm pc idiot la...

  7. 谢谢你。

  8. hehe... XD

    sorry orhx... when u view my multiply, do u c a little box in d welcome msg there? dat is chatango.. sorry.. coz not famous.. so not many ppl noe bahx.. u not pc idiot la...

  9. i try lo...i'm really a pc idiot de...really de...

  10. 你要記住無論幾冷靜嘅人,又或者幾緊張嘅人都係一樣要去面對佢哋自己嘅難題

  11. 多谢你,我明白的, i'll try, k...arigatou gozaimas 谢~~~

  12. i dun think so nohx... hehe.. juz now u msg me izit? coz away awhile juz now.. XD sorry ya.. ^.^

  13. hey, some of this arguement is juz a part of a relation......
    it is also a test of ur relation too....
    it will b worrying if there isn't any arguements thru-out.....
    so take it easy.... bet tat 9 out of 10 couples will go thru all this,
    n the result is always the "fairy-tale" type~~~ they live happy ever after..........
    if not..........
    there r no record of extinction of man yet.......heheehe...
    millions of guys out there.... cheer up... k??

  14. i cant...cheer up myself now liao...he dun wan to answer my call...liao...

  15. c'mon....dunit him to cheer up....u got ur frens, buddy or kaki.....
    so what if he answer ur call....definitely he wont sound 'friendly' either....
    this wil worsen ur mood....

    go out wif ur frens, relax....
    let things coool down 1st...
    u cant hurry things wil worsen it.....

  16. thx ya... i'll try k... tq very very much...i'll try my best k?

  17. sorry.. duno y my chatango cant send d msg liao.. cheap 1... XD

    he dun wan answer ur cal ar?

  18. Take care ~
    Dun think much dy..
    Jus let everything natural loh..

  19. thank u...yaya...i'll try kk...things doesn't easy to forget de...thanks for ur caring...

  20. tqtq...eventhough a single word...

  21. oopss...reading ur blogs like saying me n my dear..I mean...both of u are scorpion n pieces...and me n dear is oso scorpion and pieces...
    feel like u're saying my story pun...
    oh my girl dun upset k...if he really love u veyr veyr much...he'll feel so sorry to u...maybe he not mean in his surface but in his heart he feel so sorry...
    if the whole things he really did wrong to you...but he angry..maybe he wan u pamper or say sorry or watever to him 1st...after few days...he'll appologize to u..
    at least me owiz do so to dear..
    so dun cry n sad k...give scorpion some times..n he will know he let u wrong...

  22. anything if u wan share den sms me...will give u my phone if you wan...if u wan know scorpion more...
    take k...

  23. i also scopion...why nobody sms me one.... =.="


    what u said about scopion i felt the same way.....
    but however scopion always will keep something him/herself.....even with his/her loving one...

    atleast i m this kind of ppl...

  24. for what I think, he wont answer at first when you call. but when you stop calling, he will start to worry. If misunderstanding all the more to clear it asap, to show how he meant to you. Also let him know that he shouldnt scold you like last night (if it really hurts). If he love you, he will not do it again to hurt you.

  25. yaya... what u said r quite true... totally agree...

  26. if misunderstanding is sorted out, both of you will be closer. If not sorted out clearly, then your love isnt strong enough against tis test. if love is still around sure give chance to each other, no matter how hurt or nasty word is used...

  27. okok...wait I sms u ar...
    ya for me...smtm I'll say what happen if I get angry..but I say half nia...
    not I dun wan to tell all..but...dunno y...just dun feel like to say things out...ppl things I can say many...but bout myself, my feeling...I'll just quiet n keep for myself ...

  28. maybe u said smth dat he dun like or misunderstand things that you dunno, he think too far and angry lor...u know lar...scorpion like to think too much and keep things inside
    dun worry k dear...everything will be fine

  29. thx a lot...actually firstly really wan to seek help from u...cos we r so alike rite?till now read ur advise, really appreciate wat u had advise me here....really...never tot tat so many ppl will help me n really wan to say thank you to every 1 here...from the bottom of my heart....i swear...wanna say thousand million of thank u...

    thx girl... really appreciate...ARIGATOU...

  30. i think not only if i wan to know scorpio more then i'll sms u bah......we can even be good frens if it is happen in future i think......ok.....giv u my u later ya...
    thx girl...

  31. eventhough everytime u oso " zat " me, but still wan to thx u la....
    really thx wat u guys had advise me....
    thx ya.......

    sure got ppl sms u...if u really help yo...

    tqtqtqtqtqt tqtqtqtqtqt

  32. thx xiao wen... i'll try to do wat u advise me...k? thx for ur explaination to really helps a lot...i'll refer it k? thx for ur caring too...
    thx thx thx...arigatou gozaimas....

  33. thx xuan...i understand wat u said...maybe u r right, i think he had misunderstanding me liao...yaya...hope so...hopefully everything will be fine...

    thx a lot...xuan...

  34. nope...
    my boy is pieces..
    scorpion very bad de..owiz bully pieces

  35. I dunno wheter all scorpion temper will be as bad as me lar...but truly my temper can bomb the next time he angry gain...then find me..I'll try find a solution for u..hope can help u..
    so how are u n him liao?
    everythings ok?

  36. haha u know ma?
    scorpion owiz like to think damn far n damn deep n owiz misunderstanding ppl meaning...
    my dear is same pity as u..hihi~~
    next time if nth really serious then dun talk too much lor..
    wat I mean is..if things can avoid n not serious then dun talk problem to him lor~~

  37. I say before liao...
    u very good to bully de~~

  38. dunno can be consider ok anot lo...but still glad to hear tat from him... cos last nite call him again... he say he still got things to fan... he ask me to leave him alone... he ask me to give him time to solve his own problems n oso ask me not to let myself to have the chance to get scolded by him wo...he say dun wan me to be innocent again...he say he dun wan me to be his 出气筒, i just leave him alone lo...oledi three days din see him liao...miss him alot now...

  39. ok...get wat u mean liao...just learn a lesson from u...really thx ya...

  40. that ah...dun care...ignore him 1st...
    I owiz angry for nth den say I got own problem to solve with...
    then at last I will auto find him...hihi~~
    feel guilty n sorry to him lor...
    just leave him alone for few days lor

  41. aiya...dun keep thanks lar..
    fren no need say thanks de..
    now I really forbid u say so to me ah...

  42. kkk...get wat u trying to say liao...hohoho...really t** t** t** lo.............

  43. yayaya.. i agree what u said also... sumtimes i angry for nth with my ex-gf.....
    but later mostly i m the first to appologize....

    what i most angry that time is she seems like dun understand me.....

    i think that is most hurting scopion one....

  44. haha~~ we dun tell out what we want..and perhaps ppl to understand us...when they cant, we'll angry...and..lastly...appologize to them...
    emotion scorpion

  45. hahaha....
    true true....

    dun let them know too much lah...

    like v r not mysterious anymore liao

  46. hahaha...yala yala...keep on myterious la...xuan wont de it xuan?
    wei wei wei
    " one road smooth wind " ar......

  47. airplane cannot smooth wind lah...
    if smooth wind then the plane will be dangerous one.....

    choi choi choi....

    i now on my way to L.A liao(from Singapore)... tata u all....

    take care also


  48. hehe~~
    Ah Mie dear...
    depends lor~~
    no sweets desserts休想收买我...

  49. tat la........kkk.......

  50. icic.. then u always bully ur dear izit? hehe..
    but if both oso scorpion then how lerhx? who will bully who?
    i very good d, i dun bully pieces d... XD

  51. ya.. i agree wif u.. i always dun wan to tell my dear wat i wan then i'll quarrel wif him.. so bad norhx.. XD

  52. jamie, can i have 1 too..? hehe.. XD
    jus kidding niarhx...

  53. ohh........come come come........find one day got chance then we go for it ya...........

  54. mie, u serious? i'll treat it seriously d worhx..

  55. a bit weird la...i think u gals call me ching la.....
    hohoho.............if got chance we go lo.....k?

  56. yalorhx... hehe.. hihi, ching...
    okiie, i wait for u... XD
