Wednesday, December 7, 2005

my dear ...


Bb, after u fetch me home, when i lie on my bed, i start to think how long tat we've been together... even it is not so long, but i really think tat u r the one... the only one in my heart tat nobody makes me feel in this way before... i dunno y u could make it... but 1 thing really sure is i really really love u... u dunno how much suffer tat i am when i saw u r down... u dunno how much suffer tat i cant help u when u need help...

u know wat? eventhough u keep talking to me, keep joking v me, keep making funny things to make me laugh, i really felt happy bout tat... but in another side i felt more guilty... i know u r suffering ur problems... i felt tat myself is so so so useless... i cant help u at all... i really dunno how to make u feel more happy... i know tat u just dun wan to let me worry... u dun wan to let ppl worry of u...u dun wan me to worry of u... i know tat... i really know tat... but wat can i do for u? i like to see u smile... i like ur funny face... i like ur jokes... really... Bb, u r not alone, pls dun ever keep urself to suffer it alone... i'm there for u... i'm willing to share ur everything...

Bb, u treat me so well... i can feel it...u r the best in my heart... haha...even sometimes u make me mad... but u r still the only 1... i like ur smile... i like ur hug... i like ur eveything... i still remember how sweet u r when i was sick, and u r there to take care of me... u give me ur best... i know... i really appreciate it... i know i'm careless, clumsy sumtimes... make u so mad... haha... bit i'll take good care of myself... dun worry of me...  

words really not enuf for me to describe my feelings now...just like wat i told u in sms... i do believe tat we can survive... whenever u need me, i'll try my best to help u... trust me... we will go thru everything... i'll be next to u... we will walk thru all the roads v full of humps... So... dun give up ya... keep on going ya... we will be better later on...



  1. glad to see you have the angels in ur life...
    must cherish it~~

  2. yaya...thanks...
    u too...

  3. Jamie .. wish you both happy forever ..
    ~ Sweet ~
    * Wink Wink *

  4. hey ... thanks ya...
    u too !!!
    let's get it together ya...
